Cordovan Salmorejo
15.00 €
Gazpacho species made with bread, egg, pepper, tomato, garlic, salt and water, all crumbled and beaten until obtaining a fine puree
Cordovan salmorejo is a cream usually served as a first course; It is a traditional preparation from Córdoba (Andalusia) .1 2 It is made by mashing (crushed, crushed) a certain amount of breadcrumbs (or the telera, a bread also of Cordoba origin), 3 a which also includes garlic, olive oil, salt and tomatoes.4 Due to the use of bread, its final consistency is that of a puree or sauce. It is usually served with bits of other foods on its surface such as ham shavings, croutons or hard-boiled egg crumbs. Due to the ingredients used, it is a food whose preparation is quite inexpensive.5 It is often served fresh to diners. Due to its consistency, it is sometimes served as a side sauce, to soak other foods, usually fried.
The possible origin of the salmorejo, understood as it is today, dates back to a period that goes from the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, where the last ingredient to include in the popular recipe was tomato.6 Its origins correspond to those of a humble dish that was slowly popularized outside of Andalusia throughout the mid-20th century. In Spanish cuisine there is polysemy with other types of preparations (called salmis) that are usually small game stews, such as the rabbit (providing the rabbit in salmorejo) and whose composition and preparation is completely different, despite having the same Name. It is for this reason that it should be noted that, despite having been accepted salmorejo as a kind of thick gazpacho, in some regions of Spain it is currently considered as a kind of stew of various game meats (salmis). 7 8 It has some similarities with the popular gazpacho; Among the differences it is worth noting the abundant use of bread in its elaboration, which makes the salmorejo denser. On the other hand, salmorejo uses only tomato and garlic as vegetables, while gazpacho is made with other vegetables such as cucumber and pepper.5 Another dish traditionally called salmorejo is, in Malaga, what is now known as Malaga salad. In Antequera it is prepared in a similar way, adding pepper and it is called Porra antequerana.